... i mentioned to him that 'and the ass saw the angel' had changed my lyric writing, and that he should check out the fake nick cave twitter account as it is hilarious (twitter.com/nickcave).
my mom very sneakily snuck him a copy of contempt! inside a book she gave him because she is the best.
i felt vaguely nauseous.
moment of course, captured by danielle at sombre reptiles.
also, spit it twig vol. 2 is done and will be available for free download very soon.
ok so i figure if hubert keeps giving wim wenders yr music then mister cave should have some twig too!
Loved your performance at Pop Montreal - had been looking forward to it ever since I knew you were playing. Contempt also sounds great. Keep making unpredictable music.
Great post. Great shots. Great Cave.
Jennifer - gotta know: what book did you slip the twig into?
Ghilead... a very tender and smart book.
is their really an h in that title?
thanks for the spell check of course I am not to be trusted re spelling and the word guy is right!!Gilead
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